Useful information


Sunday Mass

6:00 pm (Saturday Vigil Mass)
8:30 am
10:30 am (Family Mass)
4:00 pm (Malayalam, 4th Sunday)

Weekday Mass

Monday: 9:30 am Mass
Tuesday: 9:30 am Mass followed by Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesday: No Mass
Thursday: 6:30 pm Mass followed by Adoration & Confession
Friday: 9:30 am Mass & Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
First Friday : 09:30 am & 6:30 pm Mass & Novena to Sacred Heart
Saturday: 9:30am Mass followed by Confession

Holy Days of Obligation

9:30 am and 6:30 pm

Standing order and donation details for each Church are different.

Our Lady of Lourdes

You can set up standing orders or leave offerings at the Presbytery. OUR BANK DETAILS: NatWest Bank Sort Code: 600611 ac. # 82644810 RCDN Our Lady of Lourdes Bedgrove.

150 Club

The 150 Club is a great way to donate and get something back!

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 

Parish Priest: Fr Jaismon Francis msfs
Parish Secretary: Esther Salins
Telephone: 01296 290545
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Friday 09:00 am -02:00 pm
Parish Office:
13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UB

Latest news

Construction Update

Parish Hall Renovation Significant progress continues on our parish hall renovation. The old roof has been completely removed, new support beams are in place, and roof decking is now installed. The structural work includes cutouts for four planned skylights. We’re exploring the addition of solar panels, investigating potential green energy funding opportunities. The design includes…