Our Lady of Lourdes
A Catholic Church and Part of the Diocese of Northampton
Useful information
Sunday Mass
6:00 pm (Saturday Vigil Mass)
8:30 am
10:30 am (Family Mass)
4:00 pm (Malayalam, 4th Sunday)
Weekday Mass
Monday: 9:30 am Mass
Tuesday: 9:30 am Mass followed by Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesday: No Mass
Thursday: 6:30 pm Mass followed by Adoration & Confession
Friday: 9:30 am Mass & Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
First Friday : 09:30 am & 6:30 pm Mass & Novena to Sacred Heart
Saturday: 9:30am Mass followed by Confession
Holy Days of Obligation
9:30 am and 6:30 pm
Standing order and donation details for each Church are different.
Our Lady of Lourdes
You can set up standing orders or leave offerings at the Presbytery. OUR BANK DETAILS: NatWest Bank Sort Code: 600611 ac. # 82644810 RCDN Our Lady of Lourdes Bedgrove.
150 Club
The 150 Club is a great way to donate and get something back!
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Parish Priest: Fr Jaismon Francis msfs
Parish Secretary: Esther Salins
Telephone: 01296 290545
Office Hours:
Tuesday & Friday 09:00 am -02:00 pm
Parish Office:
13 Pevensey Close, Aylesbury, HP21 9UB
Email: parish.ololaylesbury@northamptondiocese.org