Construction Update

Construction Update

Parish Hall Renovation Significant progress continues on our parish hall renovation. The old roof has been completely removed, new support beams are in place, and roof decking is now installed. The structural work includes cutouts for four planned skylights. We’re exploring the addition of solar panels, investigating potential green energy funding opportunities. The design includes…

Changes to Aylesbury Pastoral Area – A letter from Bishop David

Changes to Aylesbury Pastoral Area – A letter from Bishop David

Key Changes Summary: A letter from Bishop David My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I still have many fond memories of my pastoral visitation of your parishes in the early months of this year. Following these visits, representatives of each parish were able to gather together in St Clare’s church, Aylesbury in March 2024….

Sunday Mass & Picnic

Sunday Mass & Picnic

We’re thrilled to announce that Father Paul is coming to visit us from Chicago this weekend! It’s been a year since his last visit, and we couldn’t be more excited to reunite and celebrate with him. Father Paul will be saying Mass for us on Sunday, followed by a delightful picnic in our newly landscaped…

Digital Parish Registration

Digital Parish Registration

What is Digital Parish Registration? During the pandemic in 2020/ 2021 our churches closed for public worship. As well as being spiritually challenging, this was also operationally challenging and highlighted many weaknesses in our communications infrastructure. This is not a judgement on this particular parish but the majority of parishes up and down the country….